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Adjusting your Batch Jobs

SFDX Batch Orchestrator runs based on a generic Scheduler class which in turn is able to invoke our separate Jobs. For this, we need to adjust our Batch Jobs to be compatible with the Base class.

Batch Jobs

Depending on if you use Enhanced Logging, the implementation of the BatchJobBase class differs slightly. In a standard case, you need only extend the BatchJobBase class:

Important: The Batch Job requires a no-parameter constructor for generic scheduling purposes. You can however have it call another constructor inside with constructor overloading to get your parameters when needed.

public class YourBatchJob extends BatchJobBase implements Database.Batchable<SObject>{

  public YourBatchJob(){


In the end, the last thing you need to do is call super.finishBatch(ctx?.getJobId()) with ctx being the name of your Database.BatchableContext variable. This needs to happen in the finish() method of your Batch Job.


If you want to schedule a Queueable for one-off automations that do not need the Batchable interface, the Queueable needs to also extend BatchJobBase, but here the execute() method needs to include the following line first: System.attachFinalizer(this);. This will execute a Finalizer that logs the result of the Queueable after it has finished executing.

public class YourQueueable extends BatchJobBase implements Queueable{

    public void execute(QueueableContext QC){

Workaround for required parameters

If you need parameter to be passed into your constructor to properly run your Job, you can make use of constructor overloading to call this() with a set of standard values that you can get via methods of your choosing.

public YourBatchJob(){
public class YourBatchJob extends BatchJobBase implements Database.Batchable<SObject>{

  public YourBatchJob(){

  public YourBatchJob(String necessaryParameter){


  public static String getStartingParameter(){
    return 'example';

This will make sure to invoke the Batch Job with the necessary parameters.

Additionally when using Enhanced Logging

In case you use enhanced Logging and you want to listen to the Standard BatchApexErrorEvent when something occurs in the async context, you need to additionally implement Database.RaisesPlatformEvents interface.

public class YourBatchJob extends BatchJobBase implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.RaisesPlatformEvents{

  public YourBatchJob(){
